Phoenix DUI Definitive Guide


Unique Issues and Special Information for Phoenix, AZ DUI Cases

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All You Need to Know About DUI in Phoenix


If you are arrested for DUIExtreme DUI, or Super-Extreme DUI and seeking a Phoenix DUI Lawyer, then here are some things you want to know.

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In This Guide

How a typical driving under the influence case progresses through the Phoenix court

DUI Defense issues unique to cases prosecuted in Phoenix AZ

Essential information to Phoenix DUI allegation necessary for your criminal defense

Phoenix, AZ DUI City Court

Here are some things experienced DUI Lawyers know. Most DUI arrests in Phoenix are prosecuted in the Phoenix Municipal Court. At the same time, being arrested for DUI in Phoenix does not mean your case will be prosecuted in Phoenix City Court.

City of Phoenix AZ logo

Police have discretion to submit DUI charges to a county court (called a “justice court”). In practice, if you are arrested by Phoenix Police for DUI then your case is sent to the Phoenix Municipal Court.

Maricopa County AZ Logo

On the other hand, if your DUI arrest occurred by a deputy with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) or the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, then your case will be sent to justice court.

Ready to Fix This?

Essential Information About

DUI in Phoenix Municiple Coury

Recent DUI defense issues with the Phoenix Police Department You Should Know (Phoenix, AZ)

If you are arrested for a DUI you should be aware of these criminal defense issues with the police department that claims you violated Arizona DUI laws. These are issues that Phoenix DUI Attorneys should be investigating.

In any large organization, there are good people and people not so good. The Phoenix Police Department is no exception. Accordingly, you should be aware of some of the more notable things that have come out about the Phoenix Police Department. Here is a recent article that provides: “A Timeline of the Phoenix Police Department’s Worst Misconduct Scandals.”

Independent Investigation Uncovers: Phoenix Police Chief failed to investigate officers’ trophy coin for shooting protester

Phoenix Police Chief Suspended

According to an independent investigation initiated by the City of Phoenix, members at the highest levels of the Phoenix Police Department participated in a decision to falsely charge a group of protesters as a criminal street gang.  Several Phoenix police officers refused to be interviewed or turn over documents when requested by investigators.  As a result, Phoenix Police Chief Williams has been suspended and members of her staff have been demoted.

"He’s the epitome of all things wrong with part of the police department,” said Lawrence Koplow, a former prosecutor who now works as a defense attorney. It’s ‘us v them’. If you’re not on his side, you’re the enemy."

Lawrence Koplow | Statement to The Guardian

Phoenix Police Officer McGillis - Accused of Misconduct

Body-cam footage shows an officer with a history of misconduct claims slammed 23-year-old Mariah Valenzuela to the ground within seconds of traffic stop.

*All charges against Ms. Valenzuela have now been dismissed.

"He’s the epitome of all things wrong with part of the police department,” said Lawrence Koplow, a former prosecutor who now works as a defense attorney. It’s ‘us v them’. If you’re not on his side, you’re the enemy."

Lawrence Koplow | Statement to The Guardian

Pulled over for a minor traffic stop, the 23-year-old ended up with cuts on her head and legs, abrasions on her hands and blown-out blood vessels in her eyes, per the complaint.

Something to consider about this incident: Arizona law has a few specific requirements for an officer making an arrest. 

  • A.R.S 13-3888 "Method of arrest by officer without warrant"

    When making an arrest without a warrant, the officer shall inform the person to be arrested of his authority and the cause of the arrest, unless the person to be arrested is then engaged in the commission of an offense, or is pursued immediately after its commission or after an escape, or flees or forcibly resists before the officer has opportunity so to inform him, or when the giving of such information will imperil the arrest.

More Issues in the Media

Kinds of DUI Cases in Phoenix AZ Courts

All DUI matters prosecuted in Phoenix Municipal Court are misdemeanors. That is first time DUI offenses, Extreme DUI matters, second-time​ misdemeanors DUI case and Super-Extreme DUI cases. FELONY CASES are not heard in Phoenix AZ Court.

Body Camera Videos & DUI Defense

In 2019, many Phoenix police officers started using body camera videos. These videos can be an indispensable tool for defending you DUI allegation.

The DUI Process in Phoenix AZ

DUI cases begin in Phoenix AZ Court when a citation or complaint is filed alleging you violated Arizona DUI laws.

The Arraignment is provided on your citation or on a summons mailed to you. The primary purpose of your arraignment in Phoenix City court is to inform you of what specific Arizona DUI laws the police claim you violated. If you are cited with an Arizona DUI and released a few hours later, then an arraignment is your first court hearing (usually handled by your DUI attorney).

An arraignment can feel more administrative than legal. If you hire a private Phoenix DUI attorney then they can appear on your behalf at the arraignment. 

Pre-Trial Disposition Conferences

A “PDC” give your DUI attorney a chance to discuss your case with the prosecutor, monitor discovery and enter into plea negotiations.

Jury Trial 

If you were unable to resolve your case then it will proceed to trial. Arizona specifically makes DUI cases jury eligible. 

The Phoenix Crime Laboratory

The majority of DUI cases are based upon a chemical test. Blood is tested for an alcohol concentration, a drug concentration or a drug metabolite. Urine is analyzed for the prior use of medications or drugs. DUI defense requires the ability of your DUI Attorney to challenge these measurements.

Upon arrival at the Phoenix Crime Laboratory the sample is then tested using a technique known as gas chromatography.

Phoenix Arizona DUI | Impaired Driver Enforcement Crime Laboratory

After a DUI arrest a blood sample is typically drawn by Phoenix police officers. Once collected it’s sent to the Phoenix Crime Lab.

Phoenix Arizona DUI | Phoenix Crime Lab

Point of Concern: The Phoenix Crime Lab (as are other forensic labs in Arizona) is a wing of the Phoenix Police Department. This raises concerns as to their independence. ï»¿

The National Academy of Sciences is one of the world’s most respected scientific organizations. They were tasked by the United States Congress to evaluate our country’s crime labs. One of their primary findings was that crime labs should be independent from police departments. 

The danger being, labs set up as the Phoenix Crime Lab currently is, can suffer from a bias that favors supporting an officer’s arrest decision – instead of just practicing ï»¿science.

If my car was impounded by the Phoenix Police Department who do I call to get it?

The specific facts of a DUI arrest may dictates who needs to be contacted. However, a good place to start is with the Phoenix Police Department Code Enforcement, Vehicle Impound Unit.  Their phone number is (602) 495-2096.

How does a person charged with DUI in Phoenix AZ Court get a copy of the police report?

Your attorney will be given a copy of the police report as part of the discovery process. However, police reports can also be obtained directly from the Police Department. Here is a link: Phoenix Police Records Department.

Why wasn't I charged with a Phoenix DWI?

People often say I searched for a Phoenix DWI Attorney and could not find anything? That is because Arizona does not have an offense called “DWI.” However, DUI DWI practically mean the same thing. Arizona uses the term DUI, Extreme DUISuper Extreme DUI and Aggravated DUI.

Who are best DUI lawyers in Phoenix AZ?

To be candid, that is something you will have to decide. I would ask you to read MY PROFILE and then do some homework. Perhaps you may want to:

  1. Call the State bar of Arizona to see if they have any issues?
  2. Find out if they have done a significant amount of DUI jury trials in the city of Phoenix?
  3. Can the lawyer provide specific examples of cases and DUI Jury trials they actually won in Phoenix AZ court?
  4. Is the attorney aware of the critical problems with the Phoenix Crime Laboratory? Have they litigated any of these issues?
  5. Ask the defense lawyer you speak with: who would they hire – if they were charged with a DUI – and looking for a DUI lawyer in Phoenix?

Court Contact Information

Where is it? How do you get there? (Phoenix AZ)

Address: 300 Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003

Phone: (602) 262-6421

Fax: (602) 534-3628

Email: [email protected]


Phoenix Police Officers on the Brady List

In Brady v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that the prosecution is required to disclose all evidence that is favorable or may exonerate a defendant. This resulted in prosecutor creating “Brady Lists” in criminal cases to identify officers that have demonstrated dishonesty.

Search Arizona's Brady List

"Lawrence represents very high-profile clients who greatly depend on a good outcome, and this guy will deliver. 

This is a prosecutor's worst nightmare, and it should be that way if you need an attorney."

- David E.

Real Client's Husband, Phoenix, AZ

For more information, call our office at (602)-494-3444 or visit our contact page.
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What Real People Are Saying

That is, DUI cases actually dismissed. Verifiable not guilty verdicts. Blood alcohol evidence truly suppressed as witnessed by judges, other lawyers, and newspapers.

Real Client's Husband, Phoenix, AZ

"Lawrence represents very high-profile clients who greatly depend on a good outcome, and this guy will deliver. 

This is a prosecutors' worse nightmare, and it should be that way if you need an attorney."

 - David E.


It was miracle!... A lot of people don't really understand the benefit of having an attorney who used to be a prosecutor. They know all the little tricks and scare tactics the state has as opposed to just hiring an attorney who is a little fish in a big pond."

 - Joe C.

Contact Us Today!

For more information, call our office at (602) 494-3444 or fill out the form and we will get back to you.

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Legal Coffee Blog | Arizona DUI

By Lawrence Koplow September 9, 2020
The reported results of a BAC test in DUI cases appear to provide the answer we are seeking: how much ethanol is in a person’s blood.  However, let’s look at the fine print. The Reported Results A machine called a gas chromatograph is used to measure an alcohol concentration in blood samples.   The measurement, which […] The post Reported Result vs. Complete Result appeared first on Lawrence Koplow: Arizona DUI Attorney | Phoenix & Scottsdale.
By Lawrence Koplow September 5, 2020
The appearance of science can become the appearance of truth - even when the junk science is employed. Do we provide enough bandwidth to debunk these unreliable scientific claims? The post A Legal Bandwidth Problem appeared first on Lawrence Koplow: Arizona DUI Attorney | Phoenix & Scottsdale.
By Lawrence Koplow August 27, 2020
Measuring is different from counting. However, in forensic science the two are often suggested to be the same. This needs to change. MEASURING Measuring is the assignment of a number, and all the uncertainties of that of that number, to something.  The purpose of assigning a number is to give meaning to the object measured. […] The post Measuring and Counting | Forensic Science appeared first on Lawrence Koplow: Arizona DUI Attorney | Phoenix & Scottsdale.
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